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Friday, January 23, 2009

New Job

Yes, I started back to work...our bookkeeper asked me to 'pitch' in during Tax Season. So, I've been working for her this week. She is mobile during the rest of the year, but during tax season she is at her desk pretty much from 9am to sometimes midnight. It's a very busy office, with clients that are use to being spoiled and getting their money asap. So, it's been crazy. We work in a cute little house in the middle of town, and their are 2 other 'seasoned' tax preparers in the office, they have yet to see clients, but I was told it will get even crazier....
The biggest concern about going to work is how to get the household stuff down.... so far, so good. I have been able to get up on time, get in my workout, walk the dogs, and figure something out for dinner. I do manage to come at lunch, also, and get some laundry started. Danielle has been trying to help, but the boys....well they're not much help. spoiled :(

The boys are surviving at the shop without me, somehow :) but i do get my share of text messages and phonce calls through out the day. It's going well, though.

Last night I took Danielle to Alicia's, my niece, to get her hair lightened. She and Joseph have two little ones, so it was entertaining while she processed. They are such cute and happy kids. Danielle loves her hair. They have another baby due soon, so she's not going to be able to do hair for awhile. Too bad, she's not only good, but she's fast....

Last weekend was my birthday.... I must be getting older, very few cards this year. Danny and I went up to the 'Gateway' for an early dinner. We were tempted to spend the night, but I started my job the next morning..... not good timing. It was nice to get away and talk about something other than work and kids.....
take care to all....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Snowboarding F U N

I wanted to share Danielle's photos from her 3 trips to Sierra Summt.

She and her friends, Bridgette and Chandler, had 3 really great days.

Don't they look serious?

New Years Eve was special, they participated in the Torch Parade and Night Skiing.

This is them waiting on the top. Chandler found her uncle's old-school jacket.... the girls thought it was hilarous.

Hey, I remember those colors... anyone else?

take care....stay warm.......