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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fallen Pine

We have sweet older lady, recently widowed, in the house behind ours.
She had always worried about the effect that her large Pine tree might
someday have on our fence and studio, if it were to fall.
Well, it did Thursday. I was having my morning coffee on the back patio, and noticed how close the pine tree appeared. A little too close..... yikes! It fell on our studio. I investigated, but not too close, for fear that it wasn't done breaking.
I took a few pictures, because my sister, the Insurance lady, has taught me well, while Danny took a walk around to tell the owner.
She was very sorry and will have someone out in the morning.

Our studio is behind another fenced area. We did that orginally for clients and privacy.

Here I'm trying to show the very large limb that is broken.

So, 2 days later, it's still lying there. It's putting alot of pressure on our studio and storage area cover. We hope it's not doing any more damage.....

You know, it's crazy, just when you think the Lord has challenged you with all you can handle He hands you a little more. Scripture tells us to be grateful for all these struggles, as they will make us closer to Him and stronger from it.
Watch out Arnie, Superman and Hercules..... cuz, here we come!