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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Paso, Wine Country

This past week was Danny's birthday. Now, he wasn't too hot on celebrating his age, but he was ready to celebrate another project completed. He had just finished up the "Hellnback", Mohard Racing's new rear disc brake for Honda. So, Saturday morning, he said, "Pack a bag, and lets get out of here." Well, like most women, you don't need to tell me twice. Quick, before he changes his mind. Pack makeup (check), pack camera (check), pack a corkscrew (check)!

We headed West and zig zagged through Paso Robles Wine Country, stopping at a few places we never had visited: Ranchito Canyon (they need a little more time to mature, but nice people), Silver Horse, (a Favorite, where they were crushing grapes ) the last stop was Jada. They do a nice Cheese and wine pairing and we did get their "Jersey Girl."

Barrels in Ranchito Canyon

We like staying in Morro Bay, so we headed into the sunset.

Got there in time to eat a great authentic mexican dinner, I know, strange choice when we're on the beach, but we did some more drinking in the room so we had to walk to dinner.
Next morning we drove to Cambria, we have a few favorite spots there. Love the food at a simple diner, "Redwood Cafe", and strolled downtown, looking through the shops..... .....and new museum. They had a set up of a few 'famous' statues outside to humor us. Dan & Willie
Danny loves this one Glass shop, they have some beautiful artists' works, and one makes a glass putter...... go figure:)

Then back home through Wine country again, this time I just drank so he could drive. We were after some good Sirah's.... so we hit Jack Creek, where she had 4 on the taste menu. Then on to Hearthstone, where I bought a T-shirt...... what does that tell you. Last stop, just before closing, Opolo.... We gotta spend more time here next time! Great wines....nice tasting room and good service.

Interesting drive back through the windy roads, we saw at least 20 young deer and a couple road runners.... pretty cool.

Just one thing missing...... reservations for next time.