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Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Eve Party

A small gathering of our closests friends, was a perfect way to celebrate New Year's Eve.

It was good to get together and play an old favorite "BOP-IT". We laughed allot. We use to play Bop-It out in the desert on our riding trips and Roger picked up a newer version that had "yelling" in the sequence..... hysterical. Colette let out a little "whoop" that made it sound like she was "goosed".... too fun! And the ever perfectionist, Len, couldn't stand to lose to that little plastic toy."" Come On Len, don't let that thing beat you!!!!"

Len, frustrated by the Bop-It

Here's some of the pictures from our night..... To be safe, we stayed the night and enjoyed the morning watching the parade together.
What a great way to start 2010!

Here's Wishing you all a Happy New and Better Year

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Growing Family

My Family is still growing. I have 4 siblings: 3 brothers and one sister. My mother has, as of the last count: 29 Grandkids and 29 Great Grandkids and 2 more on the way.

We try to get as many of us together each year for Christmas, but they're are quite a few missing this time. This year we used the church social hall to fit us all in.

2010....Two K Ten..... Two Thousand Ten....Twenty Ten.....

....Taken Christmas Morning....

How ever we say the New year it's a New one alright! I don't think anyone wishes for a repeat of 2009. It's too bad, because we should be so grateful for life and all that the Lord has to bring for us. But, when we see such uncontrollable hardship all around us, it's not what we wish to repeat.

If nothing else, I do believe you'll find empathy from others, for there is not many that felt success or pleasure out of the state of our country. People understand the trials and though they can not help they certainly can pray. Maybe that's just what the Lord wants from us. To be a world on our knees.... I guess 9/11 wasn't enough to get us and keep us there.

We've been through some tough times this year. Lost 2 loved ones to disease, closed our doors to our local shop, felt the repercussions of what should have been an avoidable accident (Kyle's finger) , and saw many friends lose their jobs and businesses to the economy.

But, life goes on and we make the best of it, put on the smiles and show our kids how to handle stress and tragedy the best we can.

I'd like to see hope for the next year. I'd like to see our country and it's leaders open their eyes, and not make drastic changes that will disable our children's future, but be cautious and honest with us. If we don't admit the trouble we're in and how we got here, then we'll not find the solution. We don't need anymore bailouts, band aids or stimulators.... we need to fix this with leadership that's not afraid to call out those that did this to us. Put a stop to those that get away with fooling the trusting folks.

Now, off the political wagon..... I have seen an immediate change in people. I see a pride that has turned to humbleness. I see folks talking together and admitting defeat and asking for help and prayer. I see parents talking to kids about limits.

I've been working part time at a local church. Even though I'm leaving only after a few months to a full time position elsewhere. I believe the lord put me there to witness some generous people. They are a ever thoughtful, giving church. The pastor desires the church to grow from it's meager 80-ish members, but within that small church is a huge heart for giving. I've grown to enjoy these folks and hope to keep in touch with them.

Happy New Year to Everyone