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Sunday, November 20, 2011

November, 2011

November has been a very full month, but oh, so enjoyable. I've attended two tax seminars with Carolyn. Now, tax seminars may sound terribly boring, but you need to understand most of the attendees are on a little break right now, getting ready for a new season, so it's time to 'party' while we learn.
The first seminar we chose was in Sacramento. Nothing like feeling like a small-town girl in the big city. It's very pretty there, and Old Town Sac was a great break the next day.

Our capital...... tax dollars at work, folks!

Strolling along the rustic wood sidewalks. Note "Danny's gifts" sign....

Great lunch at Fat City Cafe.

"Don't you want one of these happy ladies to do your taxes?"

Next week on to San Luis and the Madonna Inn hosted the next tax seminar.... you feel sorry for us, yet?

A photo of the dining room, we were passing through.

Our beautiful Ca coastline. Heading to Splash in Pismo for dinner.