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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pismo & Cambria

  The family went to Pismo to witness our friends, Craig and Dianna, get married. It was a tough drive, so many valley residents trying to get out the 100* plus temps. Then Kyle's truck broke down after we endured the bumper to bumper traffic entering Paso Robles. Luckily we drove 2 vehicles, and we have an amazing friend that will come tow it home, so, '"Cozy it up in the back seat ladies....We're Pismo bound."

 The ceremony was sweet and special. Craig surprised Dee with an upgrade on her wedding ring, and we were all in tears over his kind gesture. Our reception table was fun with lots of conversation with the Murrays.
Craig & DeAnna Heredia.

This is what I get when I ask the kids to pose...nice.

Better poses, thank you....

Kyle & Danielle

Kyle (photo bomber), Dan, Bob & Katy Murray.
A little fun in Mozi's bar Eastside Cambria.
 Mariner's Inn on Moonstone Beach.... spoiled.
 The family.....Moonstone Beach. Next morning.
 Just some "bad" buggy leaving the hotel... so cool.

Now to leave this beautiful beach and eat and shop in Cambria.
checking out some "vacation hats".
Kyle likes these colors ;)
Danny teaching Kyle the wine art of wine-tasting at Niner.
 Until, next time....