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Saturday, January 6, 2024

2023 what a YEAR!

     Reflecting back on 2023 and there is so much that I've decided to highlight something each month.


    The contemplation of moving out of California has begun. No one is very surprised by our decision, because of what our state has become. The politics have ruined this gorgeous state. We can't avoid it any longer. Time to take a chance and find adventures somewhere new. 

We begin our planning of what will need to be done to move. Our home is in great shape to sell, but we have to do something with the shop and all of Danny's music equipment. The recording equipment that he doesn't need gets sold and donated to local churches and schools. The rest is coming with us. 

The shop is full and was intended to be part of Danny's retirement plan. But, plans change, and actually, he shouldn't need to work if we move. 

   We'll sell or move the CNC machine and the golf simulator will get disassembled and taken with us. There is quite a bit to do, and we have a move date for early June. Most everyone tells us, it's not possible. But, we feel confident in our ability, and know both the home and the office will sell quickly. We just need to do it before the real estate bubble changes. Which we believe is going to happen this year.

Wine tasting in Tin City, CA
Taking time in Paso Robles aka wine country.  


   We purchase a home in Hot Springs Village, AR without seeing it in person. We depend on our friends, Brad, Elaine and Janae, our realtor. The send us listings, videos and Facetime with the homes that are worth seeing. 

photo taken Oct, 2022 on our visit

33 Badalona before we painted. 


     Danny retires on the 28th.


      Danny allowed himself 2 weeks to relax and golf before the business of moving begins. First item n the list: get our home ready to sell. The to-do list is long but we are not concerned. I decide not to tell clients or employees until April.

  Meanwhile, I'm busy at work with taxes and sorting through our belongings at home when I can. I'm making piles for keeping, donating and trashing. Trying not to dwell on anything for too long is the key to keeping the emotions in check. 


   April is always the busiest of all months. But, this move has added to it tenfold. I'm closing up tax season, and I haven't told the staff I'm moving until the final days. I fire one girl the first week of April, which makes the office less stressful, but busier.

    I have one last lunch with my nieces and told them of my move. It was harder than I thought. They are very special to me, and said they would probably no get together without my invitations. This makes me sad. I guess I'll just have to fly back for lunches. 

Downtown Visalia lunch and shopping
Templeton, Tin City wine tasting and lunch. One final wine trip before we move.

Danny's buddies: Dan Jennings and Rusty Brookshier

We have many friends and family that we make plans with to say our goodbyes. Danny entertains in his golf simulator room. He's been enjoying it these past months. 


Driveway to the shop, freshly poured.
   The plan is to move first part of June before the summer heat. Most everyone's telling us it's impossible. We pack and purge daily. Thankful for our large storage room that we use for all our packed boxes. Danny's busy breaking down the shop, packing up the golf simulator and selling off unneeded tools and moving CNC machine to Brian Silva's shop. He plans to work with Kyle and Brian remotely, but we soon learn this is more than they can do and the machine sits there for months. Well, at least it was moved.


We list on our home for sale with Summer Miller and Rex Ryan on May 23rd, our 37th anniversary. Our home sells in the first week with multiple offers. We continue to have showings for the next couple weeks. During the showings we work on the office building.

Our home for the past 31 years. 

Studio and Storage room


Allie gives Zinny a photo shoot
 on one of our last visits. 

Danny gave Kyle's his G-grandpa's rifle.

Kyle & I sitting in our empty living room :(


Saying goodbye with many tears. 


We are on the road June 5th with trailer full and moving truck on it's way. My car has been delivered and is in our garage in Arkansas. We have a very uneventful trip. Zinny is comfortable in the back seat of the truck with her large pillow bed and frequent stops. We drive without any radio or music, Danny likes to hear the vehicle and we talk about the amazing feats we've accomplished to get to this point. We make one stop in Winslow, AZ since it's not far off the road. We found pet-friendly motels, which turned out to be kind of fun since they always have a lot of grassy spots to hang out. 

On the corner in Winslow, AZ

Beautiful rest area in Knoxville, AR


We settle into our home on Badalona quite easily. It has lots of storage, but we don't fully unpack, knowing we may not stay here. Brad & Elaine show us around the Village and invite us to events most every day. I've walked around the trails, and soon I purchase my own golf cart. We enjoy the wooded area and love sitting on our back deck watching the squirrels, deer and birds. We also take our motorcycle rides, as much as possible. We become friends quickly with our neighbors, John and Marla, who have a vacation cabin across the street. They live in Texas. 

   By the end of the month Danny has found another home for us on the golf course. I honestly, find it to be small and crowded, but he convinces me it's too good to pass up and we will make some updates to it.  The Badalona home has been so comfortable, but the steps and steep driveway soon become tiresome to use daily. And we know, long term, that we wanted something different. I was just comfortable there in the quiet wooded area. 

My new battery golf cart. 

Paddle boarding on DeSoto Lake


We are enjoying Hot Springs Village. Danny golfs in between working on the Durango home. I am settling into my office space and getting reacquainted with working. We go on motorcycle rides and can't believe the beauty just right here in the Village.
   One of the hardest things has been culture shock for me. I missed the shopping conveniences that I was use to in Hanford. Mind you, they were not special, but they were close by. Now, I need to drive about 30 minutes to shop and I only had a Walmart close by. The Walmart has proven to be a great store and so different than what I was use to in Ca. After a couple months, I learn of the stores in nearby towns and I adjust nicely. 

Photo by Bailey Burton

AUGUST: Busy month. 

I rebrand my business with new photos taken in downtown Hot Springs. 


Danielle is on The Voice!!!! Danny goes to in LA for 5 days with JC while Danielle auditions for the The Voice. They have fun with the interviewing process. She has chosen them as her guests and support team for the show. I love hearing the stories and getting the phone call updates. Meanwhile, I'm working, so it's good to have to the house to myself.

SEPTEMBER: Remodeling, waiting and remodeling on the Durango home. We do a lot of the hard work ourselves. We offer things for free removal and pickup like carpeting and light fixtures. We hire out tile work in bathroom and kitchen, installing vinyl floors and painting.  Danny and I install recessed lighting throughout the home and they makes a huge difference.

Removing vinyl tile rom cabinets

All work and no play on Durango Way.


Another full month of visitors while finishing Durango, working and another move. We finally close on the Hanford Tax Office....long escrow due to a commercial loan. We listed in mid June and accepted the offer the first week of our asking price. 

211 W Ivy, Hanford, CA 
you've been very good  to me.

Summer (our realtor) and her mom, Pat Miller explore the Village with us for a few days.

Dinner out with the Pitmans 

We visit Mike & Dodie Orndoff. They are camped at Lake Catherine
Sisters come for Danny's birthday

 Brenda and Melanie stay across the street from us on Badalona in the Pitman's cabin. It was a great place for them to be close and also relax in between all our adventures. We've almost convinced them to move here. 

We celebrate Danny's Bday at the BeeHive

Danielle & JC stay for over the end of October.
They are on their way home from their 6 month trip

Village Camping


   Feels like a month of getting the house in order. New patio furniture and rugs, changing styles.

Making it a home

 New addition: Honda Goldwing

Fall In the Village

                      Chili cookoff and lights on Downtown Hot Springs with Brad & Elaine.

Anthony's Chapel

Garvan Garden's with friends


Lights, Christmas and more photos in the park. 

Cedar Glades Park photos for Christmas Cards by Bailey

Cozy Christmas 

NYE Cheers to 2 0 2 4