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Monday, October 20, 2008

15 Days To go.....

I think we all know what's coming..... election ! Some days I really enjoy learning about the views of candidates, and the plans they have for our country. Then I realize like most Americans.... it's a promise that neither may be able to keep. I'm frightened for our future, but mostly for my and your kids' future. I'm tired of hearing about it, I'm tired of talking about it. SO, I think the end of this month I'll have a "Don't-You-Say-It!" party. You know, ladies, when we've gone to baby or bridal showers and you can't cross your legs or else you get the clothespin taken away and lose your chances at the gift. Well, I think a similar party but you got to stick your heard in the dunk tank or take a shot (depends on your guests) if you say anything regarding politics or the economy. If you read my last blog you'll know where these feelings are coming from ;( Now, I don't want to do either so I'll change the subject to happier note: My mother is in assisted living. and last week me, my sister-in-law , sister and niece took her to lunch and shopping. Now, it's something she used to do on a daily basis when she was able, so we think its a real treat for her. But, we get most of the fun out of the day. Mom is quite the character. We ate at Red Robin and then took her down the mall. We decided that the Village East might be the store for her. Since she's been in her new home she's put on quite a few pounds, but she still visualizes her old size 4 Petite. So, when we roll into the bigger sized store, she asks me "Now, why are we in here, it's too big for me?!" Uh, oh ladies we have a problem. Now, for some reason we think we can fool my 79 year old mother, but we're the fools. We have to dance around the store pull in the sides of these shirts when we show her and pretend she's still a 4. My sister thought it would be wise to tell her the truth about her new size..... mom, looks at her like she's nuts. "I am NOT that size" so, we go on pretending. Is this wrong? I don't think so.... We'll be her rose colored glasses, we all need those some days. I hope my children do the same for me.


Anonymous said...

Hi Stacy! Thanks for your comment, and for being my rose-colored glasses too (it's nice to know my skin is in good hands for now). And thanks for following the blog. It feels like I have a groupie. I'm going to go add yours now.

Anonymous said...

(I meant that to say hi Stacys!)

Mom said...

So now I have figured out how to get to your blog. Someday, I will figure out how to make my own, but today is just not the day.

I enjoyed the story about your mom and shopping excursion. I can just see you and your sister doing the song and dance for your mom, trying to distract her. That would make for a good episode on a sitcom!

Julie B said...

Good story! Linda just told me that story last Monday. Charlie and I did the same thing, right after she moved into Chaste Tree.