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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Anniversary

We've been married 23 years! Wow, it's hard to believe now quickly the time goes. We met when I was 18 and he was 23, dated for 5 years.... so technically been together for.... (let me get out the caculator) 28 years.... yikes.

He was finishing up some work at the shop Sat. and came home mid-day. We went to the patio to catch up on our newest adventures, a little business, but not too much. Then before we knew it the wine came out and we stayed on the patio til dark.... It was actually better than we could have planned. I popped in a pizza for dinner, had some gooey cake in the freezer for our dessert and drank more wine. Happy Anniversary to us :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Jim & Rena Celebrate 25 years

I took some time to catch up on my family and friends by viewing their blogs. I miss out on so much these days. Last month my sister and her hubby celebrated their 25th Anniversary in their daughter's beautiful backyard. They have 6 kids combined and the night was a true testimonial and honor to their hard work and commitment to raising their children. They did a silly Brady Bunch skit that will truly gone down as a classic. Their son in law, Kevin played Jim, and daughter in law, Michelle played Rena's role as the happy little worker bee. It was spot-on and so fun. Jeff's wife Hannah took some amazing photos and captured the evening's events. Check out the slide show link:

Now to this month: yesterday was such a beautiful day, a few of us kids went to celebrate Mother's Day with mom at her 'home' She enjoys the company, but never gets too excited about much. I think, sometimes, it's the best way for us kids to get together. Charlie's kids were there and were a joy for me to be around, since I don't see them much. Cute little blondies! We ended up sitting outside until they were done cleaning up, but we always were the last to leave a party.....why not!!?