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Monday, May 4, 2009

Jim & Rena Celebrate 25 years

I took some time to catch up on my family and friends by viewing their blogs. I miss out on so much these days. Last month my sister and her hubby celebrated their 25th Anniversary in their daughter's beautiful backyard. They have 6 kids combined and the night was a true testimonial and honor to their hard work and commitment to raising their children. They did a silly Brady Bunch skit that will truly gone down as a classic. Their son in law, Kevin played Jim, and daughter in law, Michelle played Rena's role as the happy little worker bee. It was spot-on and so fun. Jeff's wife Hannah took some amazing photos and captured the evening's events. Check out the slide show link:

Now to this month: yesterday was such a beautiful day, a few of us kids went to celebrate Mother's Day with mom at her 'home' She enjoys the company, but never gets too excited about much. I think, sometimes, it's the best way for us kids to get together. Charlie's kids were there and were a joy for me to be around, since I don't see them much. Cute little blondies! We ended up sitting outside until they were done cleaning up, but we always were the last to leave a party.....why not!!?

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