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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Toyota Accident

Our son, Kyle, had an accident this year in March. He was coming home from a friend's place in the country, when an oncoming vehicle, who was possibly drunk or sleepy came in and out of Kyle's lane. To avoid the vehicle Kyle had slowed down and then swirved, but got his wheels caught on the edge of the payment, you know where the road drops down to meet the dirt. He lost control of his truck causing him to roll it 2 or 3 times finally landing on the passenger side. He was able to crawl out of his front window, which had come out, and walk away. He called a friend to take him home.

He came into our bedroom to tell us what happened. He was nervous and freaked out. Nervous cause his truck that we helped him get was probably totaled and freaked out that he wasn't hurt or killed. He gently tapped me on the shoulder as he was kneeling down next to our bed, like he did when he was little. I was shocked and gave him a little hit in the arm and said "Shhh, don't wake your dad." Such a strange thing to do but, of course, I didn't know the reason. I assumed it was girlfriend issues.

So, we did wake him and made sure Kyle was ok, sat up and talked awhile to make sure he didn't have any injuries. It seems careless now that we didn't rush him to the ER, but the boy was not visible injured AT ALL! We hardly believed it happened.

Kyle's friend was planning on riding home with him, but at the last minute decided to stay later. If he would've been in the truck...... well, you can imagine. As parents, the possiblity of involving someone elses child is just so painful to think about.

I never went to see the truck, our neighbor has a towing service and he took care of the tow in the morning and I called the insurance. The other driver never stopped, and so we had nothing more to deal with. This photo was only found today on another computer. It's a little difficult to see, but the roof is smashed in at least 3-5 inches. Kyle is a big kid and sits pretty tall in this truck, and we're just seeing the hand of God got him through this.

Kyle's been a very active dirt biker since he was 4, so we've seen alot of injuries and Dr visits, but this one hits hard. Oh, yes, his seatbelt was on. Toyota makes good stuff.... but the truck was 'totaled'

1 comment:

Alicia's family said...

Praise the Lord, he's O.K. I couldn't imagine going through that!