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Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Card Photo time

Danielle's friend, Bridgett, took our Christmas card photo this year. She's been dabbling in the foto-craze and has been taking some great shots. You can see her blog on our site. We usually set up our camera ourselves but end up with a little attitude towards eachother at the end, since we all have ideas of our own. So, letting someone else 'stage' us was well worth the stress-free photo shoot.

Here's some of the photos from our shoot.

Aaaahhh, the kids. Danielle is 18 and Kyle is 21.
Nevermind how old we are.

She even got us up on our roof..... scary. Should've brought a broom, though :)

Love our cork tree in this shot.

But, here's the one we ultimately put on our card, since we can see Kyle's face with out his cowboy hat.

1 comment:

Winston C. Boelkins said...

I like that blonde. I even used to be her pastor. But of course I'm partial to blondes. I have been married to one who, after 57 years of marriage, is still an aunthetic blonde. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!