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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Our Family Christmas, 2011

Merry Christmas, 2011. It's turned into a good year.
We feel blessed to have each other and our kids.
Danielle loves her new hat and glasses, a gift from Kyle.

Danny was surprised by his Rush poster!
My mom was here to share in our family time, too.

hmmm? any guesses?

Bakker Christmas, 2011

Jace's not too sure about Santa, but even when he pouts, he's so cute.

Jace & Bella.

A moment of prayer before our meal.

Chatting it up....

Rena, Charlie & Annetta.

My niece Kristen holding her niece, Sophia. She's not too happy with taking pictures ;)

My wonderful niece, Tami, on Santa's lap.

Mr. & Mrs. Clause

Another pretty niece, Erin.
Danielle with her Beppe.

Christmas is always a special time of year for our family. We gathered at Joseph & Alicia's home again this year and it was very special. Santa came to visit, and brought Mrs. Clause this time.
We rejoiced in the birth of our Christ, but we also silently felt the loss of a dear family member; Linda. But, I believe that God sent us another gift, a precious child; Leah. Who seemed pretty stunned with our American traditions of Santa.Merry Christmas to all.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

November, 2011

November has been a very full month, but oh, so enjoyable. I've attended two tax seminars with Carolyn. Now, tax seminars may sound terribly boring, but you need to understand most of the attendees are on a little break right now, getting ready for a new season, so it's time to 'party' while we learn.
The first seminar we chose was in Sacramento. Nothing like feeling like a small-town girl in the big city. It's very pretty there, and Old Town Sac was a great break the next day.

Our capital...... tax dollars at work, folks!

Strolling along the rustic wood sidewalks. Note "Danny's gifts" sign....

Great lunch at Fat City Cafe.

"Don't you want one of these happy ladies to do your taxes?"

Next week on to San Luis and the Madonna Inn hosted the next tax seminar.... you feel sorry for us, yet?

A photo of the dining room, we were passing through.

Our beautiful Ca coastline. Heading to Splash in Pismo for dinner.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mexico Cruisen

The Carnival Splendor was our home for a week.

We celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary on a Mexico Cruise.
Wow, what a fun-filled packed week of spoiling ourselves it was!

Danny found it very easy to relax, and was a little burnt after the first day.

What is it about those towel-animals that make me so darn happy?

We enjoyed dinner every night with our new friends: Andy and Anita from Thailand (we have an open invitation to their home) and Eddie and Rovino from San Diego.
We love meeting people from other countries.

Our crazy MaƮtre d' would entertain us along with the waiters every night..... they always got us up to shake it, but it doesn't take much ;)

Don't forget to step outside and enjoy a pretty sunset. This one is leaving Cabo.

Enjoying a bottle of Opolo's cab on the deck. A gift from our friend's for our anniversary.

It was extremely hot the first day in Cabo, so we stayed on the ship.
It turned out to be a great day on board with so many people at port.
The view of the arch at breakfast.

The lost arch from our cabin window.

Second day in Cabo, heading for Cabo Wabo to see if Sammy's around.

"Si Senior, they are Cuban cigars, you can trust me"

10am and we're having shots of Cabo Wabo Blanco. Smooooth.

Peurto Vallarta on Friday. Took a wild cab ride to downtown.
Ate fabulous fish tacos at Punto V.

These two were determined to help us have a good time.

The beaches in PV are so gorgeous and I look
forward to returning to see the finished results, as they are in construction.
It's obvious they do not have CA regulations :)

Is this to code?

Note the the physical transformation that happens in Puerta Vallarta..... it's out of your control.

After strolling around the hot streets of downtown PV we head towards the port and end up at a popular cantina. More food, tequila and beer..... And yes, photo ops of Americans in Mexican sombreros.Danny made the photographer pose for him.... doesn't he look thrilled?

Yes, we even have fun in the glass elevators. We were taking pics of each other, and a man offered to take it of us.... hysterical.

This man kept bringing me food and drinks, I don't know what he's up to.

Bloody's in the morning get you right.

The happy couple.

Robert Mondavi $36 on the cruise, $8.99 at Costco, Memories.... priceless.

Watching a comedy show.

Cheers to another 25.