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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bakker Christmas, 2011

Jace's not too sure about Santa, but even when he pouts, he's so cute.

Jace & Bella.

A moment of prayer before our meal.

Chatting it up....

Rena, Charlie & Annetta.

My niece Kristen holding her niece, Sophia. She's not too happy with taking pictures ;)

My wonderful niece, Tami, on Santa's lap.

Mr. & Mrs. Clause

Another pretty niece, Erin.
Danielle with her Beppe.

Christmas is always a special time of year for our family. We gathered at Joseph & Alicia's home again this year and it was very special. Santa came to visit, and brought Mrs. Clause this time.
We rejoiced in the birth of our Christ, but we also silently felt the loss of a dear family member; Linda. But, I believe that God sent us another gift, a precious child; Leah. Who seemed pretty stunned with our American traditions of Santa.Merry Christmas to all.

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