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Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Wow..... did we eat a lot?! And the more we ate, the more we ate.... why does this happen?

We had a great visit with Danny's family in their beautiful Sierra Home. They have some fabulous cooks in that family and the quantity of food never ceases to amaze me. Tom, a cousin, and his wife recently visited Italy and he shared a simple but tasty veggie recipe with us, that I want to share.

Sicilian Carrots

Nonstick olive oil spray
2 lbs
32oz Peeled baby carrots or regular carrots - thinly sliced
1/4 cup Extra-virgin olive oil - divided
1/4 cup Dried cranberries
3 tablespoons Pine nuts
9 tablespoons Basil leaves - cut julienne strips (medium)
Freshly ground black pepper
Recipe Instructions
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Coat two large roasting pans with olive oil spray. Arrange carrots in a single layer on the pans, mixing with 2 tablespoons of oil. Bake the carrots for 30 to 40 minutes, occasionally stirring them so they don't burn. They should become soft and start to brown. Remove and let cool.
In a bowl, mix carrots with cranberries, pine nuts, basil and remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil; refrigerate overnight.
To serve, let return to room temperature. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Yield: 6 to 8 servings.

We caught up with allot of old acquaintances and met some new realities too. We mourned one that passed on since last year, and we fear that our brother-in-law may not be with us next year. We also celebrated a 6 week old with bright auburn hair:) Such are family gatherings.... circle of life.

The teenagers took a jeep ride up to Bald mountain last night to see the valley from a lookout spot. The night was abit foggy to see, but, it was fun for them.
We hope and pray you had a blessed time with friends and family.

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