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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Family Party

We had the Bakker(my side of the family) Christmas party this past Sat. What a group we've grown into. Some of us joke about needing name tags, because we lose track of the new ones. With 2 -3 births a year, it can become difficult to keep up. But, what a blessing it is to have a large family. We even had 3 of my sister's kids and their family not present, so that would add 12-14 people.

Mom did really well and enjoyed her evening. We didn't have a gift exchange this year, instead we donated to needy families and shared the experience.

This turned out to be a great photo of my mom and her family. So, I made her photo cards to send out to her family and friends. She got a great response from that, as her efforts in the past have been minimal.Here's another photo of me, my mom, my sister, and my nieces.

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