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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blogging and meta tags.....

I was thinking about this past year and all the many, many changes that I've been through, like many of us do. We have resolutions to do things better next year, and everyone gives themselves this one day to get on the starting block. Myself, I would like to NOT have anymore changes for 2009! I don't want to lose or gain any weight, I don't want to stop any bad habits ( I like my bad habits), already took care of my Starbucks-a-day habit, don't need to spend more time with family, seeing each other everyday at home and work is enough :)......
I start a new job this Jan., it's a temp job with my accountant. So I'm looking forward to that change. I think the only change would be to spend less time on the computer.
I've spent so much time on the computer that I now need reading glasses, I have a little carpal tunnel, and my ass is getting flat :) maybe that's just age.....
As I look back on 2008 I have so many new things that I'm still working on that I think I'm good for a few years: started a new business and here comes the shameless plugs: D S Advanced Engineering ( and Mohard Racing is its product line where we do Enduro parts for KTM, Kawasaki and Honda, primarily Radiator Guards,( with my husband. These have kept us busy, stressed and tired.
The crazy thing with all this is the huge learning curve. You'd think you could throw out a few websites and the world comes a' shopping. But, the big companies have it so monopolized that we have to try these little tricks: Blogging, Craigslist, and Ebay..... just for starters. And we don't use these sites for selling but for their search engines. I think I know more about meta tags and key words that I ever cared to.
But, that's all the complaining for now. on to be better things.
It looks like we'll be working on a couple new lines; one is going to be bicycle parts and the other trailer accessories. Our friend, Chris, is interested in working with Danny to develop some cool interchangeable tire racks for the race trailers. So, keep watching back to the site, they'll be under or www.Trailer-Tricks, (when I buy it)in the near future. Doesn't look like I'll be getting a break from the computer after all...... siigghhhh....

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