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Monday, May 31, 2010

Danielle's Grad Party!!!

The night was filled with the good times, food and cheer.
It was so great to gather together and cherish the memories.
These folks that came to our daughters graduation are
truly special to us and we love them all.
Roger, Len, Brenda listening to a graphic tale from Danny.

Ethan, Justin and Josh chillin on the bench.

Danielle, Rena, Kylie, Tami, Jim, Linda, Robyn & Carolyn.

Sue, Heidi, Baby Bella, Barbara and Danielle.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Highschool Graduate

I put together this slideshow for Danielle's graduation. It was fun, distracting and emotional to revisit all the fun she has brought to our lives. She's both beautiful inside and out. We're so proud of her for so many things and accomplishments, but mostly because she is sure of herself and her faith.
I wish I could share the letter of recommendation her History teacher wrote for her college application. It's so wonderful to have someone see the truth in your child and to see her for the great person she is. I will miss her when she's out of the house.... not the mess in her room, but I will miss her ;)
Enjoy the slideshow.... I tried not to make it too long, but it's very difficult to leave out photos.
Here's the link:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Who turned up the heat?!?!

Geez, I miss the spring weather. It just got hot today. Had to put on the AC and plan out my errands and park in the shade.
It's crazy how everyone makes a mad dash for the nearest OSH or Lowe's to get some pretty flowers, or to get those parts to fix the sprinklers. At least that's what we had to do.
Next weekend, I'll have be having company for Danielle's graduation party, so gotta get the lawn furniture cleaned up and maybe a new plant here and there.
I hunted around today for ideas for the decorations. I think I can make stuff.... it's easy when it's just a square for the grad hats ! I'll through them on a string and call it a streamer :) Save the money for the important things like food and wine and gifts.
Danielle's Senior prom is tonight. I'll post pictures later.
She looked so cute, I was surprised with the little Cinderella dress she chose. I love her in turquoise.