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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

trying to get it together isn't always easy

Sunday was crazy, we got ready to attend church. Then we get a phone call from Kyle, our son, he was at our shop working on his mock-up for the Toyota front bumper. He was having trouble with one of the machines. "I'll be only a minute" Danny tells me as he jets out the door. Well, an hour later, and we've missed the opening songs in church. And we hate to be the late birds, so we decide to stay home. Danielle and I decide to visit my mom, who's in an assisted living home about 30 minutes from here. She was very glad to see us and any company that she gets. Her home has become increasingly quiet lately. Not sure if the cost has become a burden for some families, but it is too quiet for my mom. She's physically very dependent on them, but otherwise is doing very well and could use some excitement.

A quick trip to the mall and $100 later Danielle's got a mere 2 new jeans and we get lunch and head back to our house. We go home to change out of the 'good' clothes and put on some work clothes. Time to go to the shop. Danielle does a regular cleaning each weekend, but the task is too huge this time and we all pitch in to help out. We got a new CNC machine on Wed. and after all the wiring and arranging the shop is big mess. So, we are on our hands and knees using the wonderful product GooGone to clean up what appears to be tar. The machine was too tall for the room, so we had to modify the false ceiling to accomodate it.

Now, the TO DO's list for today: --decide on what to put on our business attire. --Put bids in for 5 new jobs.

And in the meanwhile, I am getting Danielle ready for her Jr. year in highschool. Not only is that a growing list, but it's one expense after another. She is also attending college, so we'll pick up the proper paperwork and sign her up today. She's got her driver's license but doesn't feel confident enough to take herself to all these new places, nor do I. Our hope is that she'll be able to earn her AA in college while she's still in highschool or at least get some pre-reqs out of the way. That'll give her a great headstart. She is getting her teeth cleaned this morning, and hair done this afternoon, so I better get this Monday rolling.

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