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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Summer break is over..........

Back to school this past week. I must admit I like knowing that Danielle, our 16 year old, is doing something with her days. She did have a lot of fun and free time this summer, but it's time for some learning to be done.She loves her classes, and has some great teachers. She also started her college English class on Wednesday nights. The reason she is taking college classes is 2-fold: 1) it's free while they are in High shcool and 2) it's getting some basics out of the way. And personally, I think, it gives her a good sense of what college is all about. Gains maturity, too. By the way, she's now driving....... so stay clear and report any mis-behavings to us. Kyle always loved that :)

The photos are from our trip to Shaver Lake. We rented this home in the Sierra Mts. with our friends. It took all my convincing and planning to get Danny to go. He was so involved with his shop and all his ideas that he just didn't know the 'need' for a vacation, until he got up there. Then he took him no time at all, and he was fishing each morning, and then resting in the recliner in the afternoon. It worked out best for me to take the kids out on the lake by myself. The girls just wanted to tube. We got 2 tubes so we could double them up and it was fun seeeing them slam into eachother.

I never could get my stupid ski boot on. I knew it would be difficult in the colder water, but I still thought I could do it. I nearly pulled my hamstring trying to get my foot in that boot. I must do something before next time out. " I had to think I was a pro and get double boots"..... right.I will have to post more tomorrow....... we got a lot going on this week. and this weekend is our friends' 50th birthday, so I plan to have some more to write about.

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