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Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day Fun

We made a quick fun-filled trip to Shaver this weekend.
Danny's sister has a beautful vacation home in
Appleridge Meadow just before Shaver.

We took a ride with the cousins to Bald Mountain.
From there you can view Shaver lake, and the surrounding valley.
It was a rough ride up to it, but well worth it.
We didn't want to go back down.
The view from Kyle's truck, Danny's was on his KTM in between us,
but not for long, he mostly went off the trail to blaze his own track.
In fact, so much that he lost us for about an hour.
Not to worry, he had fun searching us out.

An Old lookout for forest fires. National landmark.
We went to the top, but it's not recommended.
Great view from up there.

Me, Brent, Danielle & Jared.

View of Shaver Lake from on top of Bald Mountain.

In the Studio apartment..... nice!

Back at the house, it's all about great food, drinks and RockBand!!!
They have a studio for the teens and guests above their garage (sleeps 10-12),
so the kids have their own hangout.

Happy Father's Day

A Prayer, by Antonie Vander Baan

This is the prayer that Shelley's grandpa wrote and recited at her memorial. It's been requested by many, so I thought I'd post it for you. He's an elderly man with a thick Dutch accent, so keep that in mind when you read it. Tony has done this for the girls on every special occasion.

A Prayer
Dear Father, You know we are so down and so sad,
Thank you for all the years that Shelley had.
We cry and our hears feel so torn,
We know you loved her as soon as she was born.
Why did you take her, she was not that old?
Thanks for your hands which we can still hold.
She was so full of life and so much fun,
Thank you for all the times she was able to run.
When she was little, she played like a boy,
Thank you for her sunny smile, she was such a joy.
She was a great daughter, mother and sister, too.
Thank you for all she was willing and able to do.
Oh how she loved sports, like playing ball.
Did we really give enough thanks for it all?
Before her lung transplant, You decided, not yet,
Thank you for the four more years she did get.
But now we are sad and only can weep,
While we know she is in your arms forever to keep.
Dear Father, give us the comfort only you can give,
So we will be able to start each day and live.
We will miss her so, we are left with an empty space.
Help us to fill it with memories, and your wonderful grace.
It is in Jesus' name that we pray.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Good Grief

Within the past 2 months we've lost 2 family members. First Danny's brother-in-law past away from Leukemia, and recently my niece passed away from Cystic Fibrosis.
The ceremonies were in some way similar as the service was as close to celebratory as possible. With the slide shows chronicling their lives and loved ones, and the gathering of family and friends with memories and stories for those mourning to enjoy.
I chose the title "Good Grief" because I 'accidentally' purchased a book titled that, and as I read it last summer I thought 'someday this will be good for someone who is hurting from a loss.' I never thought those people would be a part of our family. I have yet to give it my sister in law, but there's that ever-difficult question that we ask ourselves...."Is it appropriate?" And that's basically the idea of this book.
I don't know about you, but I wonder and ask myself what is appropriate.... should I visit or call right away or give them time? Is it ok to share a laugh with someone at a memorial? What do you say when someone says to you "sorry for your loss?" do you respond with 'thanks?' When do you disperse of some one's belongings after they're gone?
Difficult questions that no one wants to talk about. We can't avoid any of the uncomfortable stages of it, like Shelley's pastor said, "we're all going to die." what makes us think anything different. We just need to know we're ready.
The book Good Grief was about a young newly married woman who's husband gets ill and dies. She is faced with her mother-in-law pressuring her on what to do with her life, she is faced with all the 'looks' of pity that she's now getting, and she doesn't know how to handle of it appropriately...what's grief-etiquette? Maybe even writing this in a blog is totally inappropriate! I don't know, and why do we care? We must all feel this way. And if you knew Shelley, she was always concerned about what other's thought.
Like my other fellow bloggers have written, after certain memorials they make you want to hug your husband, your kids, and be a better person. I read through Shelley's Bible passages several times when I got home, she makes we want to a better Christian. I want to see His face someday, too.
Shelley's daughter, Kylie's friend wrote a beautiful song, that we will record for her. I hope to meet the challenge and post if for you all to hear. She's only 13 (guessing) and she handled herself with such poise and sang from her heart. Now that WAS appropriate.

Monday, June 1, 2009

In Loving Memory

Our family lost a wonderful young lady this past week. My niece, Shelley, was in her 30's. She had a heart of gold and the smile that I'll visualize forever. She and her other 2 sisters have CF. Shelley had a lung transplant 4 years ago, and went on to work, raise her daughter, enjoy her family and friends, even visit the gym. What a trooper.
This February Shelley started to have difficulty breathing and feared the worse. Not only was she rejecting her lungs but soon found she had a terrible infection. The family all gathered around to help her through, but in the end her body couldn't hold on. She no longer belongs to us, she's in the Lord's hands.
Our family has seen many miracles with these girls, and we enjoyed their beautiful souls for many years longer than we ever thought possible. Shelley will greatly be missed.
I've been around Shelley since was a baby and her family lived with us for a short while, I guess I feel like she was my little sister. So daily I think, if I hurt this bad, imagine how her mother, her daughter, her mother, her father, her sisters feel.... and then of course, I cry even more. I know she's in much better care now, and that has got to be our comfort.
Shelley has left behind a trail of wonderful memories and has touched everyone she met in a positive way.