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Monday, June 22, 2009

A Prayer, by Antonie Vander Baan

This is the prayer that Shelley's grandpa wrote and recited at her memorial. It's been requested by many, so I thought I'd post it for you. He's an elderly man with a thick Dutch accent, so keep that in mind when you read it. Tony has done this for the girls on every special occasion.

A Prayer
Dear Father, You know we are so down and so sad,
Thank you for all the years that Shelley had.
We cry and our hears feel so torn,
We know you loved her as soon as she was born.
Why did you take her, she was not that old?
Thanks for your hands which we can still hold.
She was so full of life and so much fun,
Thank you for all the times she was able to run.
When she was little, she played like a boy,
Thank you for her sunny smile, she was such a joy.
She was a great daughter, mother and sister, too.
Thank you for all she was willing and able to do.
Oh how she loved sports, like playing ball.
Did we really give enough thanks for it all?
Before her lung transplant, You decided, not yet,
Thank you for the four more years she did get.
But now we are sad and only can weep,
While we know she is in your arms forever to keep.
Dear Father, give us the comfort only you can give,
So we will be able to start each day and live.
We will miss her so, we are left with an empty space.
Help us to fill it with memories, and your wonderful grace.
It is in Jesus' name that we pray.

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