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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bakker Family Christmas, 2010

The Bakker family is growing and growing, but we still are able to get together each Christmas. We are blessed to have such a large family with the majority of us in the same county. We are missing 15-20 of our family members from this gathering, as they couldn't arrange the time to come.
Our hosts' Joseph and Alicia, just moved into a large farm house, so we had plenty of room. We were grateful for their generosity. Alicia's father is Sinterklaas (Dutch Santa)..... sshhh. With his thick Dutch accent he made the visit a huge hit with the kids, big and little.

Thanks Mr. Schuringa.

Sinterklaas gave the kids large pins for a treat, if they sat on his lap.

He had such a huge belly ;)

Ethan and Justin love to talk 'shop' with Kyle. These are knowledgeable dairy/farm boys, raised by great parents. Kyle was offered a job by the younger one :) We think he was just trying to find a way to spend more time with Kyle. Cute kids.

Holding up the kitchen counter, telling stories and sharing laughs.

A quiet moment with Beppe.
Merry Christmas to all, and Happy New Year.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Card Photo time

Danielle's friend, Bridgett, took our Christmas card photo this year. She's been dabbling in the foto-craze and has been taking some great shots. You can see her blog on our site. We usually set up our camera ourselves but end up with a little attitude towards eachother at the end, since we all have ideas of our own. So, letting someone else 'stage' us was well worth the stress-free photo shoot.

Here's some of the photos from our shoot.

Aaaahhh, the kids. Danielle is 18 and Kyle is 21.
Nevermind how old we are.

She even got us up on our roof..... scary. Should've brought a broom, though :)

Love our cork tree in this shot.

But, here's the one we ultimately put on our card, since we can see Kyle's face with out his cowboy hat.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sandpipers Holiday Home Tour, Manhatten Beach, CA

This past weekend, my friend Colette and I took in a home tour put on by the Sandpipers in Hermosa Beach. Lynn, a friend, and Sandpiper member drove us around to see the homes.They do offer shuttle, since their serving Champagne, but we had our own agenda.

"Stunning Hermosa Hacienda"

The fusion of these simple design elements with exotic Moroccan, Spanish, and Asian influences become this wonderful global and chic home.

" Elegant Manhattan Hill Section Tuscan Villa"

Even though the homes were vast and stunningly decorated, we got ideas that we can take with us. Ideas for decorating our own homes, different uses for outdoor spaces, since the weather in Manhatten Beach is so mild.

That evening we got together again, and caught up over Italian meal. I do love this area, but it's a little too crowded after living in a less populated town.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What are the kids doing while we're gone.....

While we went to Paso Robles and had our winery adventure the kids had their share of good times. Danielle went to Santa Barbara with her friend to visit their mutual friend who is attending film school in SB.

The atmosphere is so much more exciting down south then in Hanford, or Fresno.... so these valley girls lived it up!!! I don't know where they learn to party.... hmmm.... to be young again. I don't how much studying my girl would get down if she lived down there, so far now, I'm glad she's bored at her small university.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Weekend Getaway

Our favorite weekend getaway is a trip to our beautiful California coast together.

Ventuex Winery

We chose the E46 and hit a few wineries that we haven't been to before and with the stereo off we talk and laugh all the way there. Sometimes we have the music blasting and crank it all the way up, like a couple kids.
We keep track of wineries we haven't been to before, with over 175 just within the Paso Robles area, there's plenty of stops to make. We started this little "thumbs up or down" approval method for the wineries..... anything for a little fun.

This trip we stopped at Niner Winery and Ventuex Vineyard on the first day. We loved Ventuex so much we joined the club. Niner has a wonderful new building and great place for a large gathering. Just a bit pricey for the taste. We did purchase a bottle of their Sirah, which is Danny's favorite. Ventuex has a gorgeous B & B that we vowed to stay in someday. Small winery with a knowledgeable staff and servers. Took a trip to the backroom where Todd was stomping down some Zin grapes.
We stayed in Morro Bay at the Masterpiece Motel, the name derives from the paintings hanging in the rooms and hallways of famous artists. They give you a list of the numbered painting so you can walk around and view them. Which we did with our glass of wine, as if we were apart of some grand gallery.... we get silly like this at times.

This image is of their spa. Didn't expect it to be so nice, so we left swimsuits at home.

The next day we took a drive north, to the Moonstone drive and walked around to see the lazy Sea Lions and all the wonderful living creatures in the tide pools.

Then went into West Cambria for the first time and stopped at a random namesake tasting room, which turned out to be awesome. Just love these surprises! Moonstone Cellars, where the winemaker was on hand to pour and share a ton of information regarding the process of wine making.
Thumbs UP to this winery.....

After leaving East Cambria we stopped in very small town of Harmony. This wine was recommended, but we were equally disappointed by the similarity of each varietal. Note the thumbs down in my photo.

Before heading home we ate at one of our favorite cafes in Cambria... Redwood Pine Cafe, where they pour a MEAN cup of coffee.

A trip to our California coast never disappoints us. And this was a great time of year to get away from home. Didn't have to deal with the occasional trick or treater, not in the mood for the Halloween parties and it was certainly nice to get away from the political campaigners.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Product Launch

Just launched the Mohard Racing WR/YZ 250F Radiator Guards, and the Disc Guards will not be far away from production. They will fit the years 2001-2009, but we have great customers that will help us find out if they'll fit the newer years, until we get one in our shop.
They will list for 219.95 for the non-anodized and additional $20 for Black. The blue and other colors are always an option with for those riders that inquire, we do charge $60 for any special order colors, a little costly, but some riders love that extra touch. In fact, check out this customer who ordered the Honda guards and Disc Guards for his 450X in Red. Check it out on our Mohard Talk Page and the photo Gallery.
It's been a busy month, with the new designs and the riders on the West Coast getting ready for the weather to cool down. They'll soon be getting their trailers, RV's and coaches ready to roll out to the deserts of California, Arizona and Oregon and hit the trails, desert plains and rocky hills. We look forward to the forum posts and the photos that will be included. Our favorite stories are testimonies that happen after the falls or crashes and the rider's radiators are in tact and they can ride them out. Nothing worse than being stuck 10 miles from camp and getting your buddy to tow you in or leaving your bike behind.

Please continue to let us know about your rides and post your bike's wish lists on our Blog comment section. It's aways fun to see your wish list's get filled. Glad to be apart of a great industry. Riders are the best!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Firstborn turns 21

It's hard to believe that our son, is 21. Not to say he doesn't look it, cause he does, and he acts's just that makes us older. How'd THAT happen?

As I did for Danielle's graduation; I put together a short slideshow of Kyle growing up.

It's a bit shorter, but just fill in more photos of him on his dirtbike and that pretty much covers any gaps that seems available.

Happy 21st Kyle.... we love you,

Dad & Mom

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Whewie, it's Over.....

Danielle is ready to go the Highschool bowl

for her graduation ceremony.

Her dress was so cute, it fits her personality perfectly.

Where does the time go? One day they're playing with Barbies, then they want to be Barbie. Danielle is a great girl, we couldn't ask for more from her. She's bright, kind, honest, loyal.... all these attributes and more.

Danielle, Olivia & Lauren

Her Bff's

Danielle is holding her "fake" flowers. I thought they would be too wilted from the heat, so I didn't bring them to the ceremony. I looked around during the ceremony and saw all the parents with the flowers ready to present to the grads, and felt the guilt of a mother.... does that guilt EVER end?!?!

"Uncle" Craig said he wouldn't miss her graduation for the world....

Maddie(2009 grad), 2010 grads: Deray , Brianne and Danielle.

Kyle (her bro) & Danielle

The family
Annetta, Danielle, Danny & Kyle Stacy

Congrats Danielle !!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Danielle's Grad Party!!!

The night was filled with the good times, food and cheer.
It was so great to gather together and cherish the memories.
These folks that came to our daughters graduation are
truly special to us and we love them all.
Roger, Len, Brenda listening to a graphic tale from Danny.

Ethan, Justin and Josh chillin on the bench.

Danielle, Rena, Kylie, Tami, Jim, Linda, Robyn & Carolyn.

Sue, Heidi, Baby Bella, Barbara and Danielle.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Highschool Graduate

I put together this slideshow for Danielle's graduation. It was fun, distracting and emotional to revisit all the fun she has brought to our lives. She's both beautiful inside and out. We're so proud of her for so many things and accomplishments, but mostly because she is sure of herself and her faith.
I wish I could share the letter of recommendation her History teacher wrote for her college application. It's so wonderful to have someone see the truth in your child and to see her for the great person she is. I will miss her when she's out of the house.... not the mess in her room, but I will miss her ;)
Enjoy the slideshow.... I tried not to make it too long, but it's very difficult to leave out photos.
Here's the link:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Who turned up the heat?!?!

Geez, I miss the spring weather. It just got hot today. Had to put on the AC and plan out my errands and park in the shade.
It's crazy how everyone makes a mad dash for the nearest OSH or Lowe's to get some pretty flowers, or to get those parts to fix the sprinklers. At least that's what we had to do.
Next weekend, I'll have be having company for Danielle's graduation party, so gotta get the lawn furniture cleaned up and maybe a new plant here and there.
I hunted around today for ideas for the decorations. I think I can make stuff.... it's easy when it's just a square for the grad hats ! I'll through them on a string and call it a streamer :) Save the money for the important things like food and wine and gifts.
Danielle's Senior prom is tonight. I'll post pictures later.
She looked so cute, I was surprised with the little Cinderella dress she chose. I love her in turquoise.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring is Here!

We finally, finally..... got our shop built. What a fiasco that was. First we hired a builder, who we thought was a legitimate builder, but could never quite get a straight answer or deadline for delivery of the initial building. Only to find out that he was a scam artist..... really? really! Like we don't have enough to deal with.... We had our cement foundation poured and needed to get something on this slab so we could get out of our current building. We ultimately hired a great local company to put up the building in a short 2-3 week notice. and we couldn't be more pleased. It needs some landscaping and awnings, but that'll come later.
Danny Kyle have been working on new products. Got a couple new dealers, including "CRF's Only" and added Honda's CRF 250R to our product line.


I finished up the tax year and we had out office party Friday night. It was lots of fun, and we exchanged gifts, and plan to meet each other over the summer to keep in touch. We have a great team and I'm blessed to have this job. I will be doing Payroll and bookkeeping through the off season, along with the Mohard Racing website and Customer service. So, I feel like my plate is full, just like I want it.

This is our secretaries daughter sitting with our back office manager's mother on their very cute outdoor couch....


Our daughter, Danielle, graduates this year. She's been doing very well and now has a 4.o GPA, so we're very proud of her. She has great instincts and good morals. We're looking at Fresno Pacific, so we hope to get her accepted there.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Eve Party

A small gathering of our closests friends, was a perfect way to celebrate New Year's Eve.

It was good to get together and play an old favorite "BOP-IT". We laughed allot. We use to play Bop-It out in the desert on our riding trips and Roger picked up a newer version that had "yelling" in the sequence..... hysterical. Colette let out a little "whoop" that made it sound like she was "goosed".... too fun! And the ever perfectionist, Len, couldn't stand to lose to that little plastic toy."" Come On Len, don't let that thing beat you!!!!"

Len, frustrated by the Bop-It

Here's some of the pictures from our night..... To be safe, we stayed the night and enjoyed the morning watching the parade together.
What a great way to start 2010!

Here's Wishing you all a Happy New and Better Year

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Growing Family

My Family is still growing. I have 4 siblings: 3 brothers and one sister. My mother has, as of the last count: 29 Grandkids and 29 Great Grandkids and 2 more on the way.

We try to get as many of us together each year for Christmas, but they're are quite a few missing this time. This year we used the church social hall to fit us all in.

2010....Two K Ten..... Two Thousand Ten....Twenty Ten.....

....Taken Christmas Morning....

How ever we say the New year it's a New one alright! I don't think anyone wishes for a repeat of 2009. It's too bad, because we should be so grateful for life and all that the Lord has to bring for us. But, when we see such uncontrollable hardship all around us, it's not what we wish to repeat.

If nothing else, I do believe you'll find empathy from others, for there is not many that felt success or pleasure out of the state of our country. People understand the trials and though they can not help they certainly can pray. Maybe that's just what the Lord wants from us. To be a world on our knees.... I guess 9/11 wasn't enough to get us and keep us there.

We've been through some tough times this year. Lost 2 loved ones to disease, closed our doors to our local shop, felt the repercussions of what should have been an avoidable accident (Kyle's finger) , and saw many friends lose their jobs and businesses to the economy.

But, life goes on and we make the best of it, put on the smiles and show our kids how to handle stress and tragedy the best we can.

I'd like to see hope for the next year. I'd like to see our country and it's leaders open their eyes, and not make drastic changes that will disable our children's future, but be cautious and honest with us. If we don't admit the trouble we're in and how we got here, then we'll not find the solution. We don't need anymore bailouts, band aids or stimulators.... we need to fix this with leadership that's not afraid to call out those that did this to us. Put a stop to those that get away with fooling the trusting folks.

Now, off the political wagon..... I have seen an immediate change in people. I see a pride that has turned to humbleness. I see folks talking together and admitting defeat and asking for help and prayer. I see parents talking to kids about limits.

I've been working part time at a local church. Even though I'm leaving only after a few months to a full time position elsewhere. I believe the lord put me there to witness some generous people. They are a ever thoughtful, giving church. The pastor desires the church to grow from it's meager 80-ish members, but within that small church is a huge heart for giving. I've grown to enjoy these folks and hope to keep in touch with them.

Happy New Year to Everyone