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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

   These have been difficult days for our family. Our mother, Lillian, was put under Hospice Care on Sunday evening. She has been staying at Magnolia Park in Visalia (formerly, Chase Tree Park) for just over 6 years, and recently developed Fibrosis of the lungs. She's been feeling well and enjoying time with family and friends, but this Sunday, Nov. 3rd, was a trying day. For multiple reasons her body has declined and is ailing quickly. 

As a Teenager on her Dad's dairy.

           My mother, born in the Netherlands in 1929, is 83 years old. She came to Ca. as a teenager, met & married my father, had 5 children and lived well in the land of cows and cotton. She developed Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) at 33 and has been handling the many symptoms for this crippling disease with multiple implants, surgeries, and any treatments available. 7 years ago, her RA created her serious problems in her neck and spine and after 2 surgeries left her with limited mobility. This progressed into her inability to be independent. She has been in the Christian Assisted Living Facility, Magnolia Park, since June of 2006. We are very grateful for the love and care they give to our mother and elderly loved ones. 

May, 30 2012 Mom's 83rd Birthday
  Most of mom's family, which consist of 5 children, 15 grandchildren and 31 great-grand (last count) live within driving distance, so she's always had the love and attention of family around her.

   Mom's ability to endure her discomfort has brought her to more years on this earth then, I think, we had hoped for. She's done this with spunk and humor that we've all grown to admire.  But, I do believe, her petite frame and spirit are tired and ready for her heavenly body to take over. The promise of Heaven gives us peace and hope for a better life for her and all believers. We love you Mom, Blessings.

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